At Redbox Teacher Recruitment Ltd, we are always on the lookout for talented teachers interested in joining us for a range of short and longer term placements in schools across London. Whether you are searching for a support assistant or support worker role or specialise in primary, secondary or Special Educational Needs teaching or nurseries, we will strive to find you a role that suits your requirements and will support you all the way.
We are particularly interested in qualified teachers from the UK, Australia and New Zealand, along with Canada and the USA, as teachers from these countries are able to apply for qualified teaching status (QTS) without having to undertake further training in England. However, we can also consider teachers who qualified elsewhere. We are mostly interested in finding teachers who are good at what they do and passionate about delivering education to the pupils of the schools in which they are based.
Once you have accepted one of our positions, the specialists at Red Box Teacher Recruitment Ltd will provide you with all the support you need throughout each of your placements, so if you need help or advice at any point we will be available over the phone. All of our placements are in diverse, vibrant school environments, providing you with stimulating, varied teaching days.
If you are a qualified teacher who wants to take advantage of competitive rates and placements in a wide range of schools around London, contact Red Box Teacher Recruitment Ltd to find out more about our placements and how we can help you.